Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I'll preface this with the fact that it may end up sounding mean, but I don't really think I mean it to be. (Ha! No pun intended!)

Every time I am in a public restroom and I hear some poor woman next to me messing with a feminine hygiene product, I want to burst out laughing! You see, I feel so lucky that I don't have to mess with those anymore, due to the Mirena. I was just sitting in the stall this morning while the woman next to me was fumbling with a package. I really wanted to shout out, "GET A MIRENA!"

Should I become a Mirena salesperson? I mean seriously, anyone that can get one that doesn't is crazy! What better could you have, 5 years (really 4.5 since the first 6 months really do suck!) period free!!!


Anonymous said...

Good God. Why on earth would you want to do that to your body? I'm guessing here, but I'd guess that the long-term affects are not going to be good once you finally decide to have kids. Why, oh why mess with your body that way??

Mary said...

Actually, I have two kids already... But, on the other note, not to get into a war here, but the Mirena is very safe. Once removed, as soon as you have a normal cycle, you can start having children again. And, typically, they do not recommend it for women who have not had children yet.

Mary said...

No, I haven't, but I don't plan on having anymore children...